该范例使用 MoveFirst、MoveLast、MoveNext 以及 MovePrevious 方法,按照所提供的命令移动 Recordset 的记录指针。运行该过程需要 MoveAny 过程。
Public Sub MoveFirstX() Dim rstAuthors As ADODB.Recordset Dim strCnn As String Dim strMessage As String Dim intCommand As Integer ' 打开 Authors 表的记录集。 strCnn = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _ "Data Source=srv;Initial Catalog=pubs;User Id=sa;Password=; " Set rstAuthors = New ADODB.Recordset rstAuthors.CursorType = adOpenStatic ' 使用客户端游标激活 AbsolutePosition 属性。 rstAuthors.CursorLocation = adUseClient rstAuthors.Open "authors", strCnn, , , adCmdTable ' 显示当前记录信息并获得用户的方法选择。 Do While True strMessage = "Name: " & rstAuthors!au_fName & " " & _ rstAuthors!au_lName & vbCr & "Record " & _ rstAuthors.AbsolutePosition & " of " & _ rstAuthors.RecordCount & vbCr & vbCr & _ "[1 - MoveFirst, 2 - MoveLast, " & vbCr & _ "3 - MoveNext, 4 - MovePrevious]" intCommand = Val(Left(InputBox(strMessage), 1)) If intCommand < 1 Or intCommand > 4 Then Exit Do ' 根据用户输入调用方法。 MoveAny intCommand, rstAuthors Loop rstAuthors.CloseEnd SubPublic Sub MoveAny(intChoice As Integer, _ rstTemp As Recordset) ' 使用指定方法捕获 BOF 和 EOF。 Select Case intChoice Case 1 rstTemp.MoveFirst Case 2 rstTemp.MoveLast Case 3 rstTemp.MoveNext If rstTemp.EOF Then MsgBox "Already at end of recordset!" rstTemp.MoveLast End If Case 4 rstTemp.MovePrevious If rstTemp.BOF Then MsgBox "Already at beginning of recordset!" rstTemp.MoveFirst End If End SelectEnd Sub
VBScript 版本
下面是使用 VBScript 编写、并用于 Active Server Page (ASP) 的相同范例。如需查看该完整功能范例,请使用与 IIS 一同安装并位于 C:\InetPub\ASPSamp\AdvWorks 的数据源 AdvWorks.mdb,来创建名为 AdvWorks 的系统“数据源名称”(DSN)。这是 Microsoft Access 数据库文件。请使用查找命令定位文件 Adovbs.inc,并将其放入计划使用的目录中。请将以下代码剪切并粘贴到记事本或其他文本编辑器中,另存为“MoveOne.asp”。这样,便可在任何客户端浏览器中查看结果。
<!-- #Include file="ADOVBS.INC" --> <% Language = VBScript %> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>ADO MoveNext MovePrevious MoveLast MoveFirst Methods</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <FONT FACE="MS SANS SERIF" SIZE=2> <Center> <H3>ADO Methods<BR>MoveNext MovePrevious MoveLast MoveFirst</H3> <!-- 在服务器上创建 Connection 和 Recordset 对象 --> <% ' 创建并打开 Connection 对象。 Set OBJdbConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") OBJdbConnection.Open "AdvWorks" ' 创建并打开 Recordset 对象。 Set RsCustomerList = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") RsCustomerList.ActiveConnection = OBJdbConnection RsCustomerList.CursorType = adOpenKeyset RsCustomerList.LockType = adLockOptimistic RsCustomerList.Source = "Customers"RsCustomerList.Open' 检查 Request.Form 集合以查看所记录的任何移动。If Not IsEmpty(Request.Form("MoveAmount")) Then ' 跟踪该会话的移动数目和方向。 Session("Moves") = Session("Moves") + Request.Form("MoveAmount") Clicks = Session("Moves") ' 移动到上一个已知位置。 RsCustomerList.Move CInt(Clicks) ' 检查移动为 + 还是 - 并进行错误检查。 If CInt(Request.Form("MoveAmount")) = 1 Then If RsCustomerList.EOF Then Session("Moves") = RsCustomerList.RecordCount RsCustomerList.MoveLast End If RsCustomerList.MoveNext End If If Request.Form("MoveAmount") < 1 Then RsCustomerList.MovePrevious End If ' 检查有无单击 First Record 或 Last Record 命令按钮。 If Request.Form("MoveLast") = 3 Then RsCustomerList.MoveLast Session("Moves") = RsCustomerList.RecordCount End If If Request.Form("MoveFirst") = 2 Then RsCustomerList.MoveFirst Session("Moves") = 1 End If End If ' 对 Move Button 单击组合进行错误检查。 If RsCustomerList.EOF Then Session("Moves") = RsCustomerList.RecordCount RsCustomerList.MoveLast Response.Write "This is the Last Record" End If If RsCustomerList.BOF Then Session("Moves") = 1 RsCustomerList.MoveFirst Response.Write "This is the First Record" End If %><H3>Current Record Number is <BR> <!-- 显示当前记录数目和记录集大小 --> <% If IsEmpty(Session("Moves")) Then Session("Moves") = 1 End If %><%Response.Write(Session("Moves") )%> of <%=RsCustomerList.RecordCount%></H3> <HR> <Center><TABLE COLSPAN=8 CELLPADDING=5 BORDER=0><!-- Customer 表的 BEGIN 列标头行 --><TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>Company Name</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>Contact Name</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=150 BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>Phone Number</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>City</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#008080"> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" COLOR="#ffffff" SIZE=1>State/Province</FONT> </TD></TR><!-- 显示 Customer 表的 ADO 数据 --> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RSCustomerList("CompanyName")%> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("ContactLastName") & ", " %> <%= RScustomerList("ContactFirstName") %> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("PhoneNumber")%> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("City")%> </FONT></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="f7efde" ALIGN=CENTER> <FONT STYLE="ARIAL NARROW" SIZE=1> <%= RScustomerList("StateOrProvince")%> </FONT></TD> </TR> </Table></FONT> <HR> <Input Type = Button Name = cmdDown Value = "< "> <Input Type = Button Name = cmdUp Value = " >"> <BR> <Input Type = Button Name = cmdFirst Value = "First Record"><Input Type = Button Name = cmdLast Value = "Last Record"> <H5>Click Direction Arrows to Use MovePrevious or MoveNext <BR> </H5><!-- 使用隐含窗体字段将值发送到服务器 --><Form Method = Post Action="MoveOne.asp" Name=Form> <Input Type="Hidden" Size="4" Name="MoveAmount" Value = 0> <Input Type="Hidden" Size="4" Name="MoveLast" Value = 0> <Input Type="Hidden" Size="4" Name="MoveFirst" Value = 0> </Form></BODY><Script Language = "VBScript">Sub cmdDown_OnClick ' 在 Input Boxes 窗体和 Submit 窗体中设置值。 Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = -1 Document.Form.Submit End SubSub cmdUp_OnClick Document.Form.MoveAmount.Value = 1 Document.Form.SubmitEnd SubSub cmdFirst_OnClick Document.Form.MoveFirst.Value = 2 Document.Form.SubmitEnd SubSub cmdLast_OnClick Document.Form.MoveLast.Value = 3 Document.Form.SubmitEnd Sub </Script></HTML>